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CBD Creams: How They Work And How To Choose The Best CBD Cream For Your Personal Needs

CBD products have taken the world by storm. While CBD oil tinctures remain the most popular, topical CBD creams are quickly becoming a widely-accepted industry standard. Applied directly to the skin, CBD creams are designed to target troubled areas to support skin and joint health. 

How exactly do CBD creams work, and how do you choose the best CBD cream for your own personal needs? Joy Organics would like to take a look.

How CBD Creams Work 

There’s no doubt that the popularity of CBD creams is soaring, but how do these topical CBD solutions work?  CBD creams are applied to the skin but work much like other CBD products, such as a tincture taken orally. The way they work all comes down to the way CBD influences the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS).  To better understand why CBD creams work the way they do, it’s important to have a solid understanding of the ECS itself.

A Brief Introduction to The ECS

Discovered in the late 1990s, the ECS is an intricate system that researchers are just beginning to understand. Responsible for its profound influence on establishing and maintaining human health, the ECS has been referred to as “one of the most important physiological systems” there is. It’s found throughout the entire body and is intimately connected to the health of our nervous system, immune system, digestive system and more. It’s shown to support sleep, mood, appetite, immunity and a host of other functions and processes.  How exactly does the ECS work, though?  Within the ECS are a few key elements. At the most basic level, the ECS consists of the following: 

 • Endocannabinoids: Endocannabinoids are natural compounds produced by the body that are very structurally similar, such as CBD and THC. Two endocannabinoids have been discovered so far: anandamide (AEA) and 2 arachidonoylglyerol (2-AG). 

CB1 receptors are primarily concentrated in notably high amounts throughout several regions of the brain, while lower amounts are found widespread in various parts of the body. CB1 receptors are involved in the regulation of sleep, mood and appetite, and have shown to affect functions such as cognition, memory, motor movements and pain perception.  

CB2 receptors are found predominantly in immune cells, with smaller concentrations of CB2 receptors in specific parts of the brain. CB2 receptors are believed to be involved in several immune functions. They’re also linked to reward, as they’ve shown to modulate dopamine activity in the ventral tegmental brain area in the midbrain.  

Endocannabinoids AEA and 2-AG can bind to both CB1 and CB2 receptors.

• Enzymes: Two enzymes are also involved in ECS function: fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and monoacylglycerol acid lipase (MAGL). Critical for endocannabinoid metabolism, these enzymes are an important aspect of the ECS signaling system for the role they play the synthesis, transport and degradation of the body’s endocannabinoids. AEA is metabolized by FAAH, while 2-AG is metabolized by both FAAH and MAGL.

The ECS And The Skin

Get this.  The ECS doesn’t just influence the skin. The skin is actually believed to contain its own functional ECS. That’s right. Experts believe that the skin contains its very own ECS that’s responsible for several skin processes.  

One study proposes that the primary physiological function of the skin’s ECS is to control the balance of the growth, maturation and survival of skin cells, as well as

How To Choose A CBD Cream

With such a vast collection of CBD creams available on the market, how do you choose from all the different options?  

When shopping for a CBD cream, there are few key things to keep in mind to ensure you’re getting a quality product that fits your personal needs. Check it out.

How the Hemp Was Grown

All high-quality CBD products start out as high-quality hemp. Keep in mind that not all hemp is created equal, meaning all CBD products aren’t the same. When shopping for any CBD product, it’s important to know where and how the hemp used to create CBD was grown.  Look for CBD creams sourced from hemp that’s grown naturally in the United States in nutrient-rich soil without the use of herbicides and pesticides. Hemp is known to soak up everything in the soil it’s planted in, a process known as phytoremediation.

Consider this. Hemp is so adept at soaking up what’s in the soil it’s cultivated in that it was planted in abundance at the site of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in efforts to remove radioactive waste from the ground in the area.  When toxic chemicals are used to grow hemp, they could very well end up in your CBD products and have a negative impact on the wellness-promoting properties they contain. 

How The CBD Was Extracted 

The way in which CBD is extracted from hemp has a profound influence on the final product. In order to extract CBD from hemp, pressure must be applied to the plant which ultimately causes it to excrete the oils it contains.  When shopping for any CBD products, look for those that use a process known as supercritical CO2 extraction rather than those extracted with butane. Why is this important? Which can alter its composition and dilute the quality of the final product.  Supercritical CO2 extraction is different. It’s a natural extraction solution that ensures the extracted oil is rich in the beneficial, terpenes and flavonoids that lend to a high-quality product. 

Look for Creams Made with Broad Spectrum CBD 

When shopping for CBD creams, you’ll find two major varieties widely available on the market: broad spectrum and CBD isolate. Containing a variety of compounds that lend to its ability to support wellbeing.  Broad spectrum CBD products contain these beneficial compounds that work in harmony together to create what’s commonly referred to as the “entourage effect.”

Final Thoughts On CBD Creams CBD

Creams are designed to support healthy skin and joints. Working in harmony with the ECS, they’re an all-natural way to promote both skin and joint health. Keep in mind that choosing a quality CBD cream is important for achieving the results you’re looking for.

Still have questions about CBD creams? Feel free to contact us anytime. CBD is our passion, and we’re always here to help.

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