Get In Rhyme With Your Wellness With Thyme

I want to introduce you to an ingredient that has a long history of being used as a natural remedy and illness protectant.
The Egyptians used it in medicines and vaccines, the Greeks used it as incense, the Romans used it to detoxify water, now you can incorporate it into your daily routine for a wide variety of health-boosting effects. This magical herb that is commonly found in every household spice set is Thyme.
Thyme’s most active ingredient is something you might not realize is in common household products. Thymol is found in Vicks VapoRub, as well as Listerine mouthwash. Thymol’s antibacterial and antifungal properties offer natural medicinal benefits such as:
1) Prevents Food Poisoning
Like the Romans used for detoxification, Thyme has the ability to decontaminate previously contaminated foods. Foods that contain foreign contaminants like Shigella, which may cause diarrhea and vomiting, can be eliminated by this natural herb.
2) Boosts Mood
Thyme’s active ingredient called Caravocal has positive mood-boosting effects. When eaten, Caravocal has the ability to increase both serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain. Both of these chemicals are responsible for mood altering factors and can make you happy!
3) Improves Heart Health
Thyme also packs in antihypertensive antioxidants, which makes it a great herbal spice for people diagnosed with high blood pressure. The rich blend of vitamins and minerals include potassium, which reduces stress on the cardiovascular system by minimizing blood pressure. Hypertension can lead to strokes, coronary heart disease, and even heart attacks.
Just a little spice can go a long way! Never underestimate the power of herbal remedies. Take some thyme out of your day and read up on the important benefits of this ancient medicinal herb!
Stay healthy!