Spice and Nice: A List of Health Benefits from the Mighty Chili Peppers

Let’s spice things up a bit and talk about the benefits of chili peppers!
For hundreds of years, we have used spices to pack a little extra heat in our meals. Now, research has shown that this spice that has made our lives more enjoyable may also increase our longevity by preventing and relieving many conditions.
The main component in the mighty chili pepper is a chemical known as Capsaicin, responsible for the spicy sensation. But besides the heat, what else does Capsaicin do?
1) Lowers Blood Pressure
Peppers are naturally rich in vitamins A and C, as well as bioflavonoids. These components help strengthen blood vessels, which ultimately makes them better to adjust to fluctuations in blood pressure.
2) Fights Cancer
The chemical Capsaicin not only causes the tongue to burn but drives prostate cancer cells to decompose. A research conducted at the University of Alcala, Spain showed that Capsaicin can make the prostate cancer cells to commit ‘suicide’!
3) Burns Fat
Capsaicin is also a thermogenic compound, which stimulates the body's burning of fat by increasing the metabolism and generating heat. Studies reveal that eating chilies can raise your metabolic rate by up to 23% for about 3 hours. The chemical shrinks fat tissue as well as reduces fat levels in the blood!
4) Provides Pain Relief
Capsaicin contains a Neuropeptide associated with decreasing the swelling of joints and bone cartilage. Naturally, chili peppers decrease inflammation that may cause joint pain in diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia.
The research backed studies of eating chilies are proven to contain much more benefits than adding a little spice to your meals. Loaded with essential nutrients, they rev your metabolism, as well as to decrease inflammation.
So, before you skip out on the spicy pepper, reconsider the health advantages!
Have a spicy, healthy life!